On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 15:47 -0700, Craig White wrote:
On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 16:26 -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 13:47 -0800, Michael Rock wrote:
I am sure I never specifically installed the caching name server but a rpm -q caching-nameserver yields version 7.3-3_EL3.
I usually just select the DNS option during the GUI install and look to make sure bind is listed (perhaps the caching name server is automatically checked). There after I ended up editing the named.conf or used webmin that in turn edited the named.conf.
So ultimately I some how ended up with a caching name server I do not need. So if I got this right
- remove rpm -e caching-nameserver
- copy my zones from named.conf-rpmsave to
named.custom 3. do not use webmin since it edits named.conf or reconfigure it to edit named.custom
Should anything be specifically removed from named.conf or named.custom having to do with the caching name server?
named.conf is OK for the config file ... it won't get changed on future updates
Did I miss anything here?
Thanks guys.
probably a bugzilla entry to upstream provider to maybe create an 'artificial' conflict between the 2 packages so that you can't install both accidentally.
caching-nameserver is just the config files ... it requires bind to be installed too