Frank Tanner III wrote:
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 01:36 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote: wrote:
For those of you that either have an older revision of my firewall document, or are otherwise keeping track of it, there is a new version available. The current version of the document is version 3.1. It's changed rather significantly in some areas.
and who are you ? and what / where is your firewall doc ?
I am a CentOS user just like yourself. Nothing more and nothing less. My document was initially created for my own use, but after I got it to a sufficiently "useful" state, I figured that others in the Linux community might like it as well.
<-- snip loads of fluff -->
you are still forgetting something... like. maybe a place to get this doc ? if you dont have a place to host it - as Jim and Ralph have already pointed out perhaps we could move it into the centos wiki ( ).
as for your attitude, its you who seems to have the problem - dont expect people to just know you off the email address you use or directly be able to make a connection with a doc that is neither available, nor ever been mentioned on this list. Everyone here does not have the time or the latitude to follow each and every msg also posted in the forums. Actually, i might be surprised if more than a handfull of the thousands subscribed here actually watch the forums and the lists.
An email that says "ok, I've updated my doc" means absolutely nothing to anyone, unless it also includes some relevant info, my questions to you were to follow up for such info.