Matej Cepl wrote:
On 2008-12-17, 08:37 GMT, NiftyClusters T Mitchell wrote:
It is possible that dedicated Cisco hardware solutions will scale better.
Your mileage may vary, but I have terrible experience with Linux Cisco VPN clients, so I would strongly suggest OpenVPN. Of course, I don't know anything about needs for so huge installation etc. -- the only I have is very bad experience with Cisco VPN as its user.
thanks for the reply. I need vpn server to provide software connectivity to the clients. This is trading software.
I have installed & used OpenVpn on my test setup. It is working fine.
I prefer non-encryption vpn. If I use openvpn, it will require more processing power than poptop. I guess creating backup server might become difficult as it works on ssl cert. cert created on server1 might not work with server2. Whereas in poptop I need to copy single file (chap-secrets).
I am trying testing poptop, if there any better vpn server available kindly let me know.