Hey list,
I have several crontabs set up to run at night and I'm not convinced they are running but of course, I'm not here to see for sure! The crontabs are like the following example;
30 20 * * * sh /home/a_user/nightlyscrips/nightly_script_1 > /home/a_user/nightlyscripts/`date +%d-%m-%Y--%H-%M-%S`.log
However, if this would have successfully ran last night I would surely expect to see 09-06-2009--20-30-00.log in the nightlyscripts directory? But its not there, this goes for all my cron jobs. I have three scripts running at different times in the night all echoing out to a log file like above so I can see how they did but a week after setting them up and no log files exist.
The crontabs are running under root and if I copy the command and paste it in terminal and run that from root it runs fine? I set a cron tab up this morning just to see what happens;
35 08 * * * touch /home/a_user/test_file
This worked fine, the file was created. Whats happening to my other cron tabs? How can I diagnose the problem?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Regards, James ;)
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