On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Tim Verhoeven wrote:
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:58 PM, John Doe jdmls@yahoo.com wrote:
I've been trying to setup keepalive (vrrp) with LVS in direct routing on Centos 5 and I am stuck... Installed ipvsadm from the repo (had to touch /etc/sysconfig/ipvsadm because it complained it was missing) Compiled keepalived-1.1.16.tar.gz
Install keepalived from rpmforge instead of compiling your own. Because mostlikely your build of keepalived is without LVS support. (Check the output of the ./configure command to verify).
I've always used the rpmforge package and it works for me.
P.S. : Dag, your keepalived package is a bit outdated. Could you update it ?
I am not using it, so I find it too risky to do it myself. Time for someone to step up and maintain it ?