On 10 DEC 2013 @09:26 zulu, wwp wrote:
Hello there!
I was running CentOS 6.4 system on my Dell Latitude E6530 flawlessly, until I upgraded to CentOS 6.5.
Now the wifi doesn't show up (it's a Broadcom Wifi BT4313, 14e4:4727),
I went through the same thing around fedora 16 with a 14e4:4328... replaced it with an Atheros-based Ubiquiti SR71-E and that works fine in windows AND linux. e.g. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1EA0CD6598
Not that I have anything against Broadcom... all of my current routers and access points use Broadcom radio chipsets.
Don't expect any help from Dell with the problem unless some flavor of linux was offered as an OS when it was sold. You can tell if it was, on their Drivers & Downloads page for that model (http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/Product/latitude-e6530 )... all OS's that were ever installed on it when built will be in the Operating System picklist.