On Dec 30, 2004, at 11:23 AM, Denis Pilon wrote:
Args are always a good thing....try the following:
perl -e 'use BerkeleyDB; my $db = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(-Home => "/var/tmp/", -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER|DB_INIT_TXN|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_INIT_LOG, -SetFlags => DB_AUTO_COMMIT|DB_TXN_NOSYNC,) or die "blah";'
That's actually my test script (almost) verbatim. The "one-liner" was an oversimplified version. This also fails on my system.
And it now works....i think your postgrey version is old.... did you try this version...
http://www.lfarkas.org/linux/packages/el3/i386/SRPMS/postgrey-1.17 -0.src.rpm
Yes, I've also tried that one as well.
I'm curious. What versions of glibc, kernel and db4 are you currently running?
-- Jason Dixon DixonGroup Consulting http://www.dixongroup.net