Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
From: Sent: April 30, 2013 12:13
Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
Well, more like create a bootable flash drive and copy the .exe to it - there doesn't seem to be *anything* other than the damn .exe.
Have a look at:;jse ssionid=yTLfRQYhsgyM2K2QJ6g9n0nxRDsyK7z7L5fQThMypyx7Gb8PMDsj!-1719006963?swI tem=MTX-9ed665a89aba447d925937f38b&lang=en&cc=us&mode=3&
This will provide you with the DVD image and installation instructions including to a USB key.
Yeah, assuming you're running Windows....
The DVD: is that bootable? If so, can I simply put the .exe on the h/d, and boot from the DVD, then point it to the .exe and run it?