Might be off track, but I personally get the impression there's a bug in the load calculation. I posted on this list a few months back where one of our boxes had a permanent load of one which started at 4am the same time as some crons kicked off. No processes were outstanding, checked for rootkits etc. Killed all processed and it stilled stayed at one with nothing running, with cpu at zero etc. Ended up rebooting and its been fine since.
Marek Dabrowski wrote:
> Barry Brimer napisał(a):
>>> This serwer is working with another one (that some configuration) in
>>> RHEL cluster (locking by DLM), as a file serwer with samba-3.0.22.
>>> Samba have about 100 simultaneus sessions. Problem is with load of my
>>> system. It's growing up. I disabled/enabled samba processes, disabled
>>> backup system, disabled antyvirus for samba, but this didn't help.
>>> CPU utilization is 5-10%, ram utilization ~2GB. I don't have any idea
>>> what's wrong. Any suggestion?
>> Does this problem only happen on one server, but not the other, or
>> does it happen on both servers?
> I thing that problem is on both, but second one is working like print
> serwer, and load don't jump.
Okay, I'm having a disconnect here. None of these graphs make sense to me. The
system load as stated in the legend on the graphs is composed of 1, 5, and 15
minute averages. Under steady load conditions, these averages should converge.
The graphs don't show that, although the numbers listed do. The graph seems to
be showing the additive value of all three load averages which is bogus (or at
least misleading).
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