A lot of these (all of them?) are also available from Dag's repo. That is the first place I look if I need something for CentOS.
I like this page: http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/mega-merge.php
Ken Bass wrote:
Troy Engel wrote:
Check out "cpan2rpm" as a good way to make RPMs out of the code you'd normally just install. It works pretty darn well for the most part, but depends on the module in question. Learning to roll your own RPMs should be high on your list of things to do, as an SA admin; lots of perl goodness going on there.
Thanks, I was not aware of cpan2rpm. SA requires a bunch of stuff - from my notes:
Digest::SHA1, HTML::Parser, Storable, MIME::Base64, Net::DNS, Net::SMTP, Mail::SPF::Query, Time::HiRes, Net::Ident, IO::Socket::SSL, IP::Country::Fast
I never could get SPF Query to work though. It installs but fails its tests.
By the way, after looking at the Spamassassin PERL code, I found a workaround. Adding 'score RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET 0' to my user prefs disables spamcop reporting so it doesn't hit the error condition. I updated the spamassassin bug (3899) entry with this tidbit for others that may encounter it.
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