Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 05/21/2014 09:37 AM, wrote:
<snip> And if they're running it, what I recommended for years was the O'Reilly book by Aeline Frisch, "Essential Systems Administration", which is *wonderful*. I don't have it, but I know O'Reilly publishes a Linux admin book.
I love that book :)
Where I was working in the early nineties, most folks knew of the find command, but other than the sysadmin, *no* one knew how to use it. Then I bought the book, and read the first chapter, and literally the next day, I really needed it, and now knew how.
'95-'97, I was working for Ameritech, one of the Baby Bells (since swallowed by SBC, er, "AT&T"). A couple weeks after I started, my managers asked if I wanted to be sysadmin, too... which was how I got into doing sysadmin. The next year, along with my ...late... wife, I was sleeping with that book. After about a year, as the division had grown from 4 teams to 27(!), they brought in the corporate sysadmins, who I got friendly with, fast. They told me of all those teams, there were only *two* whose servers looked normal (as opposed to everyone having root, and crap directories all over...), and one was mine. <g>
Ever since, I *frequently* recommend, for folks new to *Nix, to read chapter 2, The Unix Way, so you understand what it's all about, and how it hangs together and makes sense.
If I ever get to meet Ms. Frisch, I *really* owe her a drink.