On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:51:50 +0800 Emmanuel Noobadmin centos.admin@gmail.com wrote:
On 4/29/11, Lucian lucian@lastdot.org wrote:
Something seems out of order with the above; may I ask what exactly you are trying to achieve? Unless I read it all wrong you want (i.e.) x.x.x.2 on br0 and also on eth0? This cannot work.
Well, I have a physical connected to the ISP modem/router which assigned the connection a block of 8 IPs
You don't need a bridge unless you want to do firewalling or some routing or network modification at the bridge.
Just assign IP1 to eth0, IP2 to eth0:1, IP3 to eth0:2 and so on.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1 DEVICE=eth0:1 BOOTPROTO=none TYPE=Ethernet IPADDR= NETMASK= ONPARENT=yes
Should do the work.