Les Mikesell wrote:
Christopher Chan wrote:
I thought the usual ways of doing this were to either use a high-performance NFS server (netapp filer...) and maildir format so you can run imap from any client facing server, or to keep the delivery host information in an LDAP attribute that you find when validating the address.
This is the 'I have the money' way of doing this ;-)
There are at least 2 free ldap servers. Or if you are stuck with mysql you can probably add your own field for delivery host.
The service provider I used to work for tried openldap in 98. They got burned big time. Maybe it is up to the task today. What kind of hardware, though, would you use for one that the OP indicates will get a lot of writes? Everything I have read says LDAP is not for high write problems.
Does anyone have enough faith in a free NFS server to use it in this scenaro these days? How about opensolaris on top of zfs?
I would say. No comment on opensolaris in this scenario but I am happy with zfs as an offsite online backup solution.