On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 10:14 -0400, Winter wrote:
Andy Wright wrote:
Hi list,
Ever since the change to BST here in the UK (GMT to GMT+1) the clocks on all my Centos 4.4 servers are 1 hour slow.
Good morning, Andy
Use /sbin/clock to check the time on your system's hardware clock. ntp and date will change the time on your OS but not necessarily on your hardware.
You can change the hardware clock by using the date command to change the time and then typing "/sbin/clock -w" to write the time to hardware.
<snip sig stuff>
FYI, you can also use /sbin/hwclock (man hwclock) which has a number of options for investigation (I suspect /sbin/clock is a "wrapper" for hwclock, although I've never used /sbin/clock or read its docs/man pages).
Hwclock will allow you to determine wheter it's the hardware clock or OS clock which is error or correct. IIRC, the OS clock is stored in the hardware clock at shutdown, meaning the "new" value is in the HW clock at reboot.
HTH -- Bill