On 6/11/10 5:30 AM, Paul Heinlein wrote:
I've had trouble getting Nagios runtime files to work and play well with SELinux. In particular, the pid file, /var/nagios/nagios.pid, is created with a generic var_t type rather than the necessary nagios_var_run_t type, so I've tweaked system policy a bit:
semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_var_run_t "/var/nagios/nagios.pid"
Okay, that works to get the service to start (along with "chcon -t nagios_var_run_t -R nagios/" while in /var just to be sure). I'm still getting "Error: Could not read object configuration data!" in the nagios pages, though. It looks like I'll have to play around with some of the configuration options and see what happens.
Regards, Ben