At 02:53 AM 3/1/2006, Will McDonald wrote:
On 28/02/06, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Only things:
Did stop at the bootup to create a user id. Not a big deal in this case, as I was logging on as root to do a yum update.
You mean during the Kickstart install? Or on firstboot afterwards?
1st boot afterwards. I will have to read the post processing instructions to create the userid and to set the display resolution.
X was started to give me a progress of the install. So I will want to figure out how to get that in character mode next time. Just on general principles.
Simply adding "text" on a line on its own in the main config should prevent the X installer (though not necessarily the installation or configuration of X itself).
hoped it would be so simple.
The Kickstart section of the RHEL documentation should help you.
that is what got me this far!
I do want to do a real comparison between the before and after andaconda-ks-cfg files. There seems to be a few differences....
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