Oh, for spandsp see:
- The FAX image handling in libtiff 3.6.1 is broken, so this version of
libtiff will not function correctly with spandsp (or HylaFAX, or any
other FAX software, I guess).
- It seems possible for the libtiff library to fall over when handling
some bad TIFF files. If spandsp is being used with Asterisk, this might
bring the entire PBX down. So far only one person has reported this.
Recent security update patches for libtiff 3.5.7, 3.6.0, and 3.6.1
hopefully correct this problem.
At 03:27 PM 5/26/2006, Dan Trainor wrote:
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
At 02:35 PM 5/26/2006, Dan
Trainor wrote:
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Via google: libtiff
This got me to a page all about libtiff 3.8.2 for 'Fedora other'
and a link
for other distributions.
So which do I take?
please, I really want to get this going!
Hi -
I do not believe that libtiff 3.8.2 is available for CentOS - only
3.6.1-8 and 3.6.1-10.
Remember, the goal of the CentOS project is not to provide bleeding edge
software, so you may well get stuck with a slightly older
So the Asterisk AT Home gang that have built on Centos may have a real
problem with spandsp.
Hi, RObert -
Well, no - not necessarily. Remember, we try to keep as close to
RHEL as we can. In fact, I don't know of anything that's actually
modified to be special for CentOS, aside from the usual.
The *@home guys probably built their own RPMs or installs for their
setup. Even though it's based on CentOS, doesn't mean it has to BE
CentOS - it could be a heavily modified version, including additional
libraries which are mroe bleeding edge, e.g. libtiff-3.8.2.
Hope that clears some thigns up for you.
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