----- Original Message -----
From: "Rainer Traut" tr.ml@gmx.de To: centos@centos.org Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 4:55:03 AM Subject: [CentOS] Deduplication data for CentOS?
Hi list,
is there any working solution for deduplication of data for centos? We are trying to find a solution for our backup server which runs a bash script invoking xdelta(3). But having this functionality in fs is much more friendly...
We have looked into lessfs, sdfs and ddar. Are these filesystems ready to use (on centos)? ddar is sthg different, I know.
Thx Rainer
Although not open source, CrashplanPROe only costs $365 for a perpetual five client license. I use it to backup some of my Linux boxes. It has very good deduplication, compression, and encryption. For example I have 1.7TB of data on one linux system and another system that has 1.5TB. I NFS mount one of the systems to another and only use one Crashplan client to backup both data sets to a single backup archive. The backup archive is only 1.2TB and that also spans 90 days worth of file modification and deletion I can recover.