On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Robert Nichols rnicholsNOSPAM@comcast.net wrote:
MHR wrote:
I am running CentOS 5/2 (latest updates) with the GNOME DE on a 32-bit machine (at work).
I have k3b installed, and I was trying to copy a DVD earlier this morning, but k3b said it couldn't read encrypted DVDs.
So, I installed libdvdcss from rpmforge and restarted k3b. It hung
A common cause of failures like that is damaged directory permissions near the top of the filesystem hierarchy, often as a result of unpacking a tar archive into the root directory.
Mark: If you trace it back to the libdvdcss package from rpmforge, notify them about it. Strange that it works OK for you at home and you hosed your Workstation at work, but that's Murphy's Law. Good luck getting it working! Possibly try this again, under VMWare, when you are relaxed and want to see if it can be recreated. Lanny