On 28/02/07, William Warren hescominsoon@emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com wrote:
Can't you just point the kickstart files to the local mirror? That way when you do the install you are grabbing the updated files from the get-go.
I think what Alfred's asking is how does he roll the updates from (for example for i386) /centos-4/4.4/updates/i386/RPMS/ into /centos-4/4.4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/ so that when he Kickstart builds a system it's already using the latest versions of updated RPMS where applicable. Rather than building from a pristine 4.4 repository then having to 'yum update' after the install.
I have a vague recollection of having read how to do with with RHAS 2.1 a few years back so in principle I guess it's possible.
I'd build a list of updated packages, minus the version/release numbers. Create a copy of /centos-4/4.4/updates/i386/RPMS/, remove all the default versions of packages updated from there and drop copies of the latest in instead and try a build from that test tree. He might have to munge some of the XML package manifest stuff too.