On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:37 PM, nate centos@linuxpowered.net wrote:
Lanny Marcus wrote:
Either the WinPower SW will not shut down the box after 2 minutes or there is something unclear to me about the settings. I read their documentation again and everything is set to their default settings, which looks like it should shut down the box after a 2 minute power failure.
Maybe the engrish docs weren't clear, could it be possible that the software will not shut down until there are 2 minutes left on the battery instead of 2 minutes after an outage? With most UPSs I have used the default is to not to issue a shut down until the battery condition is low.
Try the test again and let the UPS run until the battery runs out and see if it ever shuts down.
Hmmmm. You may be on to something with that idea! :-) When I downloaded the SW (45.3 MB, which is enormous, compared to nut or apcupsd), I did a traceroute on the domain and it ended in .tw (Taiwan). I will try testing it your way and see what happens.... BTW, years ago, I worked with a bunch of people from Taiwan and they were pretty sharp. This WinPower SW is *much* more basic in what it does than what we were doing in Assembly Language on barefoot mini computers.