Hello. I've been using Fedora since about the FC6 era, for home use. I don't like the 6 month upgrade (or re-install) concept, and I don't need the latest & greatest versions of apps. So, CentOS sounds enticing.
But, I have some questions. I found 2 centos websites (primary and wiki), and checked the forum - but couldn't find answers to these concerns.
Is CentOS basically like Fedora? (Well, except for the updates every 6 months!) As in 'look & feel', underlying operations, etc. (Btw, I know about removing upstream branding.)
Any caveats? Meaning, does it use the same repositories that Fedora does? Are there any major or significant differences?
I should just go for the most recent package (5.2) - yes? About how old are the apps? (A few months?)
How are application updates handled? 5.2 has firefox-3.0-0.beta5.6.el5. I saw (on the Firefox website) that 3.0.6 is out. Will an app update get that version, or something just a bit older? (btw, I know about backporting.)
Does centos use Plymouth? I have a somewhat recent computer (about 3 years old) that has an intel chipset (which Plymouth can't handle yet, and so it needs xdriver=vesa during install).
Michael, in Pennsylvania (USA)