Sorin Srbu wrote:
p.s. let me make it clear why i'm being so obnoxious at the moment about this. a local company currently supports their software suite on linux on suse only. they're getting more call for RH support. i'd like to suggest they consider centos because i might get some support business out of it. as part of their consideration, they will undoubtedly go to and poke around, and i want them to be happy with what they read there, and not be scared off. and maybe, out of the goodness of their hearts, they'll donate to centos because they like it so *everybody* wins.
With that said, any commercial company needing a linux OS with paid support and that likes CentOS, should go for RHEL as a first choice; CentOS is after all a clone of RHEL.
On another track, CentOS is a very mature enterprise OS and puts other similar distros to shame IMO. Overall, this is as good as it gets. Like it or not.
And there is always the issue that if Red Hat sees Centos as competition in the supported OS business, they will make the cloning and updates more difficult.