On Thursday 28 December 2006 11:32, Mark Snyder wrote:
tftp keeps timing out when I try to transfer files. I intend to use tftp with G4U to clone a standard workstation. I am testing it between two Dell poweredge servers running CentOS 4.3. "chkconfig --list |grep tftp" shows tftp up and running on both boxes. When connected "tftp>status" shows it is talking to the other box "tptp>trace" shows "sent WRQ <file=slavelit, mode=netascii>" and ends with Transfer timed out.
I have tftp is being run under xinetd.
I have modified /etc/xinetd.d/tftpd as follows:
server_args -p -c -U 002 -u install -s /tster
I have setup a user install, set read/write privileges on /tster which is owned by install
Not sure what else I need to do to get this working, any suggestions would be appreciated
Specifying -v a couple of times may yield more information in the logs. tftp is pretty sparse in it's logging unless to tell it otherwise.
If that doesn't yield any useful information, I would uninstall the tftp-server rpm and the xinetd config for it and reinstall stock, and try to get it working with stock settings. If that works, slowly change to your desired settings, to see what's causing the problem.