Bowie Bailey wrote:
William A. Mahaffey III <> wrote:
Bowie Bailey wrote:

I've got an odd problem.  My server will not shutdown normally
because the AoE driver is not being shut down properly.  While
investigating the problem, I found that the aoe script is
apparently not being called for shutdown.  I have been able to
duplicate this with a brand new test script. 

My test script is just a simple file that echos back the start or
stop command: 

   # chkconfig: 45 01 99
   # description: Test Start and stop script

   echo "Called with $1"

I installed it with 'chkconfig --add mytest'.

The softlinks exist in the runlevel directories:

When I 'telinit 4', I can see the script output in

   Dec 19 11:46:49 bnofdn1 mytest: Called with start
   Dec 19 11:46:49 bnofdn1 rc: Starting mytest:  succeeded

When I 'telinit 3', there is no output from this script.  It is
like the script is not even being called.

Am I doing something stupid here?  When I do 'telinit 3' from a
higher runlevel, isn't it supposed to run all of the 'K*' scripts
in rc3.d with a 'stop' argument? 
Well, as I look at your links, I see none to start your script at
runlevel 3, i.e. no S01myTest under rc3.d .... maybe I'm missing
something ....

It's not supposed to start in runlevel 3.  It's only supposed to run in
levels 4 and 5.

The init process only runs K* under runlevel 4 (rc4.d) when exiting
runlevel 4, then runs all of the S* stuff under the new runlevel.
$0.02, no more, no less ....

That's not what the rc script appears to be doing.  It simply checks the
current runlevel and then runs all the scripts in that directory (kill
scripts first, and then start scripts).


You originally asked why you were seeing no output from your test script when you did a 'telinit 3', I gave you a reason (links to activate the script not present in rc3.d) :-).

	William A. Mahaffey III
	Remember, ignorance is bliss, but
	willful ignorance is LIBERALISM !!!!