On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 16:10 +0530, Sanjay Arora wrote:
What about a PIII 550 Pentium...is it 586 or 686...sorry...dont know that ;-) Would the minimum CD support that?
Pentium Classic and Pentium MMX are i586 ... Pentium Pro, PII, PIII, P4, celeron, Pentium M are all i686.
yes the CD would support it
Also, Karan said something about it installing server components...I have a query here...What server components? suppose I want to install only the base OS, selinux & INN...would I get more than what I want?...do I need to do anything specific with anaconda?
If you select the "Minimum" install (on the package page), you will get what we have defined as [Core] and [Base] in this file on the CD:
That file is mostly exactly like the RH one, except it has a couple things (like yum and createrepo) that RH doesn't have.
Please ./configure the reply for a complete dumbo ;-)
Regards to all. Sanjay.