On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:01 AM, Matt Hyclak hyclak@ohio.edu wrote:
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 06:58:48AM -0700, Akemi Yagi enlightened us:
Jim Perrin wrote:
I don't think he did it intentionally, so how's about we all forgive and forget, or turn the other cheek, or whatever else you wish to do just this once.
YES I realize the humor involved in me being the voice of compassion and reason here, so stuff it. :-P
Oh and I was totally ready to hop on the now stuffed bandwagon to be surprised. Totally not fair. You're an evil man, Jim. ^_^
When I read the first part of the message, I had to check the sender name more than a few times to believe it was really from Jim Perrin. :-D
I think the Good Witch of the North was spoofing his e-mail address.
Well, I am shocked, I tell you, shocked! Why, the Jim Perrin I have come to know and love is a warm, decent chap with a big heart and a terrific sense of humor.
Oh, wait, he's not on this list - that's a different Jim Perrin....
P.S.: Jim slips once in a while - musta been a senior (developer) moment.... >;^)