Hi all, As long as I can remember reading various articles/docs, they all say that telnet is not secure because all traffic is in clear text. Well, out of boredom, I try to sniff username and password from a telnet session.
The command I use: tcpdump tcp port 23 -vvv -w test.txt Then I read the result: strings test.txt |`D |fD |fD 38400,38400 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ESD Ologin: D 5eE LsE _tE Password: F [aG |hG jaH Last login: Wed Feb 6 15:53:3H ]0;test4@server:~ GV{
But it succeeds with FTP. strings test.txt <.9@ 4.:@ 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.1) 4.;@ @.<@ USER test4 331 Please specify the passwor 4.=@ B.>@ PASS secret 230 Login successful. 4.?@ :.@@ SYST 215 UNIX Type: L8 4.A@
Did I miss something? How do we capture telnet password using tcpdump? Thank you.