On 07/19/2011 07:52 PM, Khusro Jaleel wrote:
A bit of a long shot but does turning on STP on the br* interfaces help? I vaguely remember I had to do the following on one of my machines that uses bonding + bridges:
# brctl stp br0 on
I have put this in the machines' /etc/rc.local so it's applied upon every reboot.
I've had to do the same for my Fedora hosts with Centos guests. You can put STP=on in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
to force this bridge to always use STP.
Also, adding
NETWORKDELAY=15 to /etc/sysconfig/network
will force you network startup script to hang for 15 seconds during start up. This gives the STP a chance to settle before any other services attempt to use the bridge.