On 8/3/2010 9:49 AM, James Hogarth wrote:
Please point out the search result that will solve his problem if it is so easy for you... Or if you can't, please avoid polluting future searches with non-answers.
Please quote the part where I said it was easy if you'd be so kind? I can't seem to locate it on my own. No one ever said things were going to be easy in this industry; if they were then many of us would be out of a job :) But that's really not the point of my post as you really should be aware of, Les.
And just what was that point? If you don't have an answer, why is your post any less an abuse of the list (and future searches) than the question?
Sometimes people feel enough is enough? Something or someone is so irritating over such a period of time you just can't stop yourself saying - what you again?! Please just go!
And as for that point about an AI doing this over multiple lists that might explain a lot.... especially the question that is essentially a repeat of the previous ones or contradictory to previous requests for help... hmm maybe whoever is controlling this AI is trying to generate a giant FAQ for any distro.....
Well, remember that these pages are going to appear in future search results, and the sites displaying them are going to make money by showing ads. So maybe it is a scheme like that stupid ehow site to generate meaningless content that will match hot search topics. (If you haven't noticed, there are now a bunch of sites that always show up in searches where the content might as well have been generated by monkeys with typewriters except that they seem to be about topics someone might search for).