-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of James B. Byrne Sent: den 29 juni 2015 15:10 To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] Using a CentOS 6 Machine as a gateway/router/home server
Please note: I'm not criticizing, just curious about the argument behind using a regular OS to do firewall-stuff.
A consistent set of expectations does wonders for debugging odd-ball occurrences. Why learn the idiosyncrasies of two distros when one
Just start with a minimal CentOS install on your router/gateway and add
the packages that you know that you need. Any critical omission will evidence itself in short order and can be added
or the source of the need removed as circumstance warrants.
Sorry for OT.
Even considering a minimal CentOS install, is that still less minimal than e.g. Smoothwall or Ipcop? In my world, security has a price and, and that might be the need to learn another distro in order to minimize security issues (and maybe as in this case minimize attack-surfaces).
Still just curious about the arguments pro/con regular OS:s as firewall. 8-)