On Sat, 2005-04-09 at 17:32 -0400, Kennedy Clark wrote:
An interesting point came up while recently discussing my Postfix virtual_alias issues with the MailScanner list. Apparently there is some risk with the "two instances of postfix" approach described in: http://www.hughesjr.com/content/view/12/30/Guides
It sounds like Postfix and MailScanner can step on each other in the deferred queue. They recommended the single Postfix instance "hold" mechanism recommended here: http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/install/postfix.shtml
Here are the steps I used to convert:
service MailScanner stop
Edit MailScanner.conf and change Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix.in/deferred
to Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/hold
Rename /etc/postfix.in to /etc/postfix.old-in
Rename /var/spool/postfix.in to /var/spool/postifx.old-in
Edit /etc/postfix/master.cf and uncomment the "smtp inet n - n - -
smtpd" that was commented out in Step #12 of the 2-step instructions
Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf and add: header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks
Create /etc/postfix/header_checks containing: /^Received:/ HOLD
service MailScanner start
And you should be back in business. Note that the /etc/init.d/MailScanner script still references both an in and out Postfix instance; however, in looking at the code, once /etc/postfix.in is gone/renamed the "in" startup action becomes a no-op.
I should also point out that there is absolutely NO implied criticism of the SUPERB guides Johnny has put out. I have found them to be extremely helpful -- thanks, Johnny!
No offense taken ... :)
The new method is a bit easier, and I am working now on a guide for CentOS-4 that does it the new way and uses cyrus-imapd.
I have used the other way (two postfixes) on several high volume servers, and have personally had no problems. Other people have said they sometimes have issues with the two postfix setup.
As soon as we finish CentOS-4.1 (or maybe before, depending on how long RH takes to go from the beta update1 to it's release), I should be able to change my CentOS-3.x guide to the single postfix instance mode and get a CentOS-4 postfix guide out the door.