OK So i took the time and finally built a RPM for the softether vpn server and client. I have not tested them for usage but I found out that only the server side can work with multiple protocols while the client side works only with one protocol. The actual protocol is called "ethernet overl HTTPS". More info on the product: http://www.softether.org/
The gui is only for windows as far as I could understand.
So no l2tp client there but aleast a nice VPN service.
SRPM can be found here: http://ngtech.co.il/rpm/centos/7/SRPMS/softethervpn-4.18.9570-2.el7.centos.s...
The repo is here(also latest squid-cache repo): http://ngtech.co.il/rpm/centos/7/x86_64/
On 18/09/2015 04:33, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
Hey John,
I do not require encryption at all, it's a secure and internal channel but it requires me to connect via either pptp or l2tp. This is the reason I am asking. I had the chance of finding the SoftEther Project which gives a lot in terms of VPN Client and Server. At: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx
But yet to try it. Also they have all sorts of beta versions but not something they call stable in their downloads.
I think I will try to use their product if I will not find an example on how to use l2tp without ipsec encryption.
Thanks, Eliezer
On 18/09/2015 03:00, John R Pierce wrote:
On 9/17/2015 4:47 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
I have a server currently connecting to a pptp remote server. This server(lns\lac) has the option for pptp connections and l2tp connections. The l2tp connections are not using ipsec encryption at all.
PPTP doesn't use ipsec either, it uses its own MPPE encryption based on RC4, which is considered insecure as of years ago.
L2TP is normally used within another encrypted transport.
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