On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 02:42:17PM -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:
I've read about all recent changes about workflow: Fedora>CentOS Stream. I understood that in the end CentOS Linux (8) keeps on being "built from publicly available open source source code provided by Red Hat, Inc for Red Hat Enterprise Linux"[1]
Is that correct? I mean the only that changed are CentOS upstream (Fedora and Centos Stream) didn't it?
I'm not sure what you read, but CentOS Stream is just going to be updates from Red Hat that will eventually be incorporated into the next point release of RHEL and CentOS (non-stream). The Fedora involvement is largely upstream from RHEL, although it looks like there is a roadmap where contributions from the community could come into RHEL[1].