On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 15:40 -0600, Mark Snyder wrote:
We use the Okidata printers all the time without any problem. We use them with a small dedicated print server box connection via our TCP network. Set up the printer to use either the epson emulation or the IBM proprinter emulation, we have had no success with the Okidata emulation. For our console application we setup a raw printer que, for everything else we use the appropriate driver for the printer emulation set on the printer.
Ok. Well, the printer is an ML 395. I guess I can try using the other emulation types again, and try out the appropriate driver.
Can you do a test to the printer from the Windows box? You must get that working first then match the print driver on cups to the Windows driver. One of the Epson FX series will work the best.
Printing from console apps on the Linux side is okay. I'll try printing the OOo document directly from the Windows PC.
It would be much less troublesome to just use a dedicated print server as we do.
Tried that too. I did the dedicated print server test because I wanted to make sure the parallel port on the server wasn't busted or maybe misconfigured in the BIOS. It wasn't though - the print server messed things up too.
I'm starting to think the printer is just broken - maybe the other emulation types just don't work.
Thanks for your help.