Dear Blackburn,
There are 0 to 1024 ports that are privileged ports and those ports will on be run by root.
Umair Shakil ETD
On 9/7/07, Blackburn, Marvin wrote:
thhis didnt go through completely the first time.
I am a bit confused as to how this works. I created a local unpriveleged user (with /bin/nologin shell). i uncommented the line containing nopriv_user=ftpsecure and restarted vsftp.
I am confused as to what is supposed to happen. Shuld the daemon /usr/sbin/vsftpd be run as root or should it be ftpsecure?
Or is the account only used to login to transfer files?
Any help would be appreciated.
"He's no failure. He's not dead yet." William Lloyd George
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