Joe Klemmer spake the following on 7/4/2006 11:22 PM:
Daniel de Kok wrote:
For both of these, we will be happy to entertain changes that people want ... but I don't think it is in our best interest to tell people exactly how to build replacements for those, do you?
Why not? Of course, it would not be good if people add their own background and dump it on the net. But I can see the use of making a custom Live CD. E.g. suppose that you someone would like to provide a class of biology students with a live CD that contains some domain-specific programs, so that they can run them without having to install Linux at home.
Of course, the obvious problem is that some people will mess things up, and will distribute broken live CDs to others with the CentOS logos still in there.
If anyone is really interested in remastering their own CDs it only takes about 3 minutes of google to come up with all the documentation and how-to's you could ever want. Believe me, if building your own distro was all that difficult there wouldn't be four hundred gazillion different distros out there. I can definitely understand Johnny's POV on the subject. But hell, even _I_ could BMOD (Build My Own Distro) if I weren't so damned lazy.
Hey. BMOD Linux. Kinda has a ring to it. If I ever get around to acquiring a DVD burner of some kind I might take a stab at it. Or not. I really am very lazy.
Why put off to tomorrow what you can shove all the way into next month!