Ian Murray wrote on Fri, 21 Aug 2009 02:09:04 +0000 (GMT):
[root@xen ~]# virt-install -p ERROR A name is required for the virtual machine.
Oh, my god. I just gave this extra parameter as I thought it would then ask for the missing data. I forgot that you can either have interactive or parameters, not a mix. You run just "virt-install" then. That's even more "daunting", is it? I suppose that was too difficult to figure out yourself?
Perhaps for the benefit of the OP, perhaps you could give a complete known working example.
Hm, surprise, surprise, I gave one.
Well, if you have done such tests, please do share... especially on the xen-users list, as there are far more competent Xen-ers to discuss your findings than me.
Read it's archives.