On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 23:53:16 +0200 "BG" == Bernhard Gschaider bgschaid_lists@ice-sf.at wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 14:39:22 -0400 "WLM" == William L Maltby CentOS4Bill@triad.rr.com wrote:
WLM> On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 20:27 +0200, Bernhard Gschaider wrote: >>> <snip>
>>> Is there a way to say: "Hey RPM, have a look whether really >>> the files in your database are on the disk)" ?
WLM> Use rpm's verify option. I forget the exact syntax: I'm sorry WLM> to have to sentence you to the rpm manpage dungeon. :-(
Sorry. Stupid question again: and if I find inconsistencies, then the only way to force rpm to correct them yould be something like
yum remove offendingPackage yum install offendingPackage
or the equivalent rpm-commands?
Currently the machine behaves quite strange: - Boots OK - Lets users log in and most applications work - Firefox works only for root - yumex hangs at starting - "man rpm" says XXX WARNING: old character encoding and/or character set
All this leads me to the conclusion that there are only some selected packages corrupt (and I don't want to reinstall the machine). Would Installing/Repairing from DVD help?
BG> Thanks. I was looking for the keyword "check" in man-pages BG> (shows you that half the art in searching is knowing "for BG> what")