On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 06:53, Karanbir Singh wrote:
If it does want the 32-bit version it shouldn't hurt anything to install it with: yum install xorg-x11-libs.i386 I needed that for VMware server recently and posted here about a conflict with fontconfig from the 64-bit version. I think that's a bug but someone responded with a workaround:
rpm -e --justdb --nodeps fontconfig
which is very very wrong, and if you really care about this, dont do it. find the solution to the problem, rather than just using a hammer to break your system even more.
which in the case of the vmware-server, is to remove fontconfig.x86_64 and install fontconfig.i386 manually. The rest of your install will work then.
The solution is to not have conflicting packages in the repositories. How do we arrange that?