> btw, you seem to repeatedly ask very novice questions on this list,
> mostly having done absolutely no research or efforts on your part.
> I would recommend you change that.

Yes, I aggree with you. In most cases, I will have to get involved with our customeres. Due to that, I have lcak of time to research.
I aggree to change it.

>Also, you seem to almost never ever get involved with or make any efforts to help people in any conversations -
> thats not a very nice way to behave on mailing lists.
I would also like to volunteer. I know how much time you spend for other's benifit. I really appreciate you guys effort.
Anyway, I' ll try to help people in conversations.

> Having been on the list for over a year,
Yes, more than a year.

I am sure you are competent enough to contribute
> in  more constructive manner.
Yes, I will.

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya