On 01/09/2012 10:13 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
John R Pierce wrote:
On 01/09/12 12:31 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Again, I*HATE* dnsorbs.... This was bounced, which makes twice today. <snip> more text, add a few more words, we'll see if this makes it.
your email is being relayed through (oproxy4-pub.bluehost.com) which appears on several spam lists, for instance, sorbs says 100s of spams have been sent from that host in the past interval.
you want to use a spammer-friendly service as your mail server, expect to be treated as a spammer and blocked by admins tired of the deluge..
Let's go through this again - we did it months ago. My site is hosted by hostmonster, which also operates as bluehost. They are a *large* provider, with hundreds of thousands of domains, and the email from all of them go through their (few) email servers. Therefore, when 100 or so of them running WinBlows get their hosts infected, and they send out spam, and the hosting provider hasn't caught them yet, hundreds of thousands of the rest of us get hit with the same block.
Who here is *not* using a work email? Who here posts from their own hosting site? Has this ever happened to you?
I own my own domain/server/subnet. My WISP customers can only send mail via my server, with all the prevention's I could think of. I have never been hit with this (but I do have small customer base), but I have had regular domains (like one local Bank!!!) blocked to deliver to my server because they do not have proper FQDN.