A little while ago I changed my UPS to Leibert and installed NUT. Everything worked as expected. Today I tried to use the MultiLink Viewer icon from the desktop, but it simply accepted the root password without apparently doing anything. I can run the viewer directly (as root) from a file manager.
The icon is owned by me, but the application is set to run as root.
I suspect that the problem is with 'kdesu'. The command
'kdesu /opt/MultiLink/bin/Viewer'
which is what the icon runs, brings
'kdesu /opt/MultiLink/bin/Viewer' bash: kdesu /opt/MultiLink/bin/Viewer: No such file or directory
From a root terminal, however,
/opt/MultiLink/bin/Viewer /opt/MultiLink/jre/bin/java -cp .:/opt/MultiLink/lib/em.jar - Djava.compiler=NONE com.liebert.dpg.app.LxExecutor mainViewer /opt/MultiLink cfg/executor.cfg
What changes do I need to make to be able to use the desktop icon again?