On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 14:42 -0400, Bowie Bailey wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 13:08 -0400, Bowie Bailey wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
(or you can remove the package with rpm -e kernel-smp-devel ... then
yum install kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-34.0.1.EL.i686
yum install kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-34.0.1.EL.x86_64 )
I found the updates repo shortly after sending the first email. I followed your second suggestion and was able to have "yum install" see it after removing the old package.
Why is the "rpm -e" required? It seems like I should be able to do "yum update" and specify the package version as long as it is newer than what is currently installed.
Yum has no option to install an older file on top of a newer file
An update probably installed the 34.0.2.EL-xxxx-devel file ... so 34.0.1 will never install instead of the newer one.
The installed package was older. I have already removed the package on the system I was working with, but here is an example from another one that is identical except for being x86_64 instead of i686.
# yum info installed kernel-smp-devel Installed Packages Name : kernel-smp-devel Arch : x86_64 Version: 2.6.9 Release: 34.EL Size : 11 M Repo : installed # yum update kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-34.0.1.EL Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files Could not find update match for kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-34.0.1.EL No Packages marked for Update/Obsoletion
I have verified that the package does exist in the repo:
It looks like a "yum update" will only update to the newest package version.
yum install should install a newer ... but not necessarily the newest package (I think) :)