pygrub wasn't able to find the kernel so I mounted the image and copied out the kernel and ramdisk.  It still didn't work with this kernel and ramdisk -- cannot find root device (I added a root= line).  I had to recreate a new ramdisk using mkinitrd before I could boot this system.  For now, this is good enough.  I'll have to go back and dig deeper at a later time.

Thank you for the response, though.

On 5/21/07, Daniel de Kok <> wrote:
On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 11:26 -0700, Fong Vang wrote:
> I just installed a CentOs 5 domU system on a CentOS 5 dom0 system
> following the instructions detailed here:
> The installation went through successfully.  After installation,
> however, pygrub can't find a kernel.

No, this:

>   File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 366, in draw
>     self.draw_main_windows()
>   File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 159, in draw_main_windows
>     curses.use_default_colors()
> _curses.error: use_default_colors() returned ERR
> No handlers could be found for logger "xend"
> Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
> Usage: xm create <ConfigFile> [options] [vars]

is a curses error. How are you creating the domain? Do you happen to use
"xm create -c" over SSH? If so, could you try to create the domain with
"xm create" (without -c), and attach the console to the domain later
with "xm console"?

-- Daniel

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