I did have a bad experience with ServerPronto.com the other day - I requested they install Gentoo and cPanel.  Only AFTER billing me $69 USD for re-imaging my machine did they inform me that I was not able to run cPanel on CentOS.  Not happy.

Thanks for your recommendations everyone.  I am going to close my ServerPronto account and get a server with LayeredTech.


On 3/20/07, Mike Kercher <mike@vesol.com> wrote:
centos-bounces@centos.org <> scribbled on Monday, March 19, 2007 10:20

: Jean Figarella wrote:
:: Hi,
:: A little bit off topic here, but I was wondering if anybody knows
:: about a good dedicate server provider, that offers CentOS (but
:: ofcourse) as a os choice, and that is very reliable.
:    I have used layeredtech.com for about a year and a half
: now with no problems at all.
: Patrick
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: CentOS mailing list
: CentOS@centos.org
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I also have several machines at LayeredTech and have had ZERO problems
with uptime or stability.  One reason I switched to them was because
they supported the CentOS project.  They're also a Texas company :)

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