On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 15:27, Stephen John Smoogen smooge@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 15:23, Kenneth Porter shiva@sewingwitch.com wrote:
--On Wednesday, January 27, 2021 8:07 PM +0000 J Martin Rushton via CentOS centos@centos.org wrote:
Here's how to find the package for a particular file:
That one's easy and I use this all the time:
rpm -qf full-file-name
I'm looking for how to get the yum group for a package. (I'm guessing a package might even be in more than one group?) That would help explain how the dnsmasq package got installed on my system. (It was never enabled by systemd and isn't required by any other package. So I went ahead and erased it to free the space and reduce my attack surface.)
yum group list
then look at the groups installed
yum group info <group>
as in
yum group info base
or one can look for the comps file in /var/cache/yum
network-tools has dnsmasq listed as a package
repoquery says the following on my rhel box NetworkManager-1:1.4.0-20.el7_3.x86_64 libvirt-daemon-driver-network-0:4.5.0-36.el7_9.3.x86_64
CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
-- Stephen J Smoogen.