jarmo wrote:
Just wondering, what's the roadmap for OO to be upgraded. I have version 2.0.4 and official is already in 2.3.x and suppose in march there's going to be 2.4 version.
As well as Gimp, we using 2.2 and there is 2.4.x
Anyone heard upstream roadmap for upgrading?
For version 5? Very unlikely, except maybe as a preview (like there is OOorg 1.x and OOorg2 in CentOS 4). One of the main reasons for using an *enterprise class* distribution is stability. Which means: No version changes, no ABI changes, no API changes where possible.
There have been some packages like Samba and Firefox/Thunderbird where backporting (http://www.redhat.com/advice/speaks_backport.html) wasn't possible anymore, so new versions were taken into the distribution. Or in the case of mozilla, which ceased to exist, it was replaced with seamonkey.
For all other applications you won't see any change in version for the lifetime of CentOS 5 (or 4 or 3 or 2.1 respectively). CentOS 6 might have the versions you are looking for ...