Robert wrote:
greetings, can someone(s) in authority please come up with a plan(s) of action in regards to this list medium? unfortunately this list has pretty much reached the point of no return and has become virtually useless.
One thing that is really shocking me is how many people "lurk" and don't bother to answer questions, and the only time they post is to ask them ... or worse yet ... only enter "meta-discussions." I'm actually answering questions, regularly, among a few other people.
So maybe I should just start asking technical questions instead of answering them? So maybe it's because I virtually _never_ ask them, hence why some select people think I'm here "sporting my knowledge." God that gets to me!
Now let's get _exact_.
From what Preston posted, he had obviously not even bothered
to thing things through, let alone not even hit the man page about mplayer -- which is why the majority of his post was _not_ about his question, but some other tangent! He might have not known about the "-endpos" option directly, but the man page _does_ lay out how to do bit rate, even if not straight-forward.
Now people can accuse me of "liking to hear myself talk." But man, I'm tired of people who have stories to tell with virtually *0* technical investigation or info in their first post, then turn around and complain about _me_ when I try it point out there are Linux solutions. This hypocrisy is happening over and over.
I guess the only way to solve it is to just not post to the list. And I'm going to stop helping select people too.