Ash Christopher wrote:
Hi Craig,
By default there is a noauto in the fstab.
Depends on who created the fstab entry.
I first tried removing the entry for the floppy from the fstab, and upon my next boot up the following was inserted at the end of my fstab file:
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
This is my entry, which works under FC2 to do exactly what you want.
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,user,exec,kudzu 0 0
(well, I cut some space for readability)
Are you suggesting I change this to the following? So, as you can see, the noauto is already in my fstab.
Yes, I don't understand what is the problem, myself. OTOH, I don't know what the "pamconsole" does, either, nor the "managed". Perhaps "managed" is a replacement for "kudzu", but I doubt it.
Maybe I do not understand your solution properly.
Thanks, Ash